*Note: 100% of all contributions are in support of well-being initiatives.
Contribute Financially - a well-being fund has been established at the New Albany Community Foundation that supports our vision to ensure each student possesses a strong sense of well-being, please consider contributing. You can contact Craig Mohre at craigmohre@newalbanyfoundation.org or 614-939-8150.
- Get Involved – learn more about our:
- Community leadership and advisory team. Contact Lori Lofton lofton.6@napls.us or 614-855-2040.
- Menu of Ways to Invest in Our Kids and in Our Community
- Fund or help fund specific programs for:
- Suicide prevention
- Drug, alcohol and tobacco education/prevention
- Bullying prevention
- Maximizing girl's self-esteem
- Parent education programs
- Parent education speakers
- Increased programing for grades 1 through 6
- Funding for grant writing
- Funding for future community speakers like Mariel Hemingway, Patrick Kennedy, Elizabeth Vargas and Glenn Close
- Contribute in general to the New Albany Community Foundation Well-Being Fund