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New Albany-Plain Local Schools require physician and parent authorization to administer any prescription and over the counter medication to a student. Only those medications necessary to be given during the school day will be administered. Examples of over the counter medications include acetaminophen and ibuprofen.

We wish to emphasize that it is more desirable for medication to be administered at home. However, any student who is required to take medication during the regular school day must comply with school regulations. A form must be obtained from the clinic and completed by the physician and the parent or guardian.

  • Written orders from the physician must detail the name of the drug, dosage, time medication is to be taken, reason for prescribing, probable length of time medication will be needed, and possible side effects
  • Medication must be brought to school in a container appropriately labeled by the pharmacy or physician
  • Medication must be stored in the clinic. Students may not administer or carry medicines of any type on their person (lockers, purses, etc.)
  • A new request form must be submitted each school year and as necessary for changes in medication orders
  • Medication must be picked up prior to the last day of school. Any medication left in the office will be disposed of if not picked up. School personnel cannot be responsible for medication while school is not in session.