Identifying the Gifted Child
“Gifted” Defined
According to the Ohio Department of Education, gifted children are “students who perform, or show the potential to perform, at a higher level than other children of their age, experience, or environment.”
The National Association for Gifted Children explains it this way: “Someone who shows, or has the potential for showing, an exceptional level of performance in one or more areas of expression.”
All can agree however that gifted children have special learning needs that must be addressed. The Gifted Services Program staff at New Albany – Plain Local Schools will do our best to recognize and meet the educational needs of our gifted children.
Twice-Exceptional Students
Gifted students with learning disabilities have much in common with other gifted students. They typically have an excellent long-term memory, an extensive vocabulary; they grasp abstract concepts and thrive on complexity. They are highly creative, imaginative, perceptive, insightful, and are keen observers. They also have much in common with other students who have learning disabilities: A poor short-term memory and poor organizational skills. Their handwriting is frequently illegible, they struggle with easy, sequential material, and rote memorization is almost impossible. In fact, they may be unable to learn unless interested in the topic. These students perform poorly on timed tests. Yet, only a small percentage of gifted students with learning disabilities are identified, in part because they use giftedness in ways that compensate for limitations.
Our gifted staff and our special needs staff work closely to provide the optimal learning opportunities for our twice-exceptional students. It is our task to make sure that both identifications are recorded in both areas; and to be assured that both identifications are fully considered when making decisions about instructional placements and learning environment; and to provide appropriate interventions and enrichments to meet the needs of these unique students.
More information on twice-exceptional students is available at ERIC, the Educational Resources Information Center.