Gifted Services
We are excited to share with you some of the highlights of the Gifted Services Program in the New Albany-Plain Local School District. We believe in growing a vision that provides the best education for each and every student. The Gifted Services Program is a result of the Board of Education’s understanding that students with ability for high achievement require special programming to reach their full potential.
As a gifted services department, we continue to review best practices and research to improve our gifted services model. The suggested focal points include identification, curriculum, service delivery, data and communications. We continue to focus on the following:
- assessing our identification process
- reviewing suggested curricular materials and resources
- aligning our service delivery with the Ohio Gifted Operating Standards and building capacity within our teachers through classes in educating gifted children and adolescents
- analyzing existing data to determine best measures for our gifted population
- improving our communications of our gifted services to all our stakeholders
Our goal is to make the gifted services information easily accessible to our entire community. At any point, if you have questions or comments, please contact any gifted services team member.