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English Learning Services

Pull Out /Direct Instruction

  • Some beginning and/or intermediate language students receive EL direct instruction
  • Content area learning and vocabulary development may be reinforced during this time

Collaborative Instructional Services

  • Support given in the classroom through collaboration between Classroom Teacher and EL Staff

EL Supported Study Center

  • EL Staff provides instructional assistance in content areas and English language

Monitoring Advanced/Trial Mainstream

  • EL Teacher monitors progress for continued success in reading, writing, speaking and listening

Ohio English Language Proficiency (ELP) Standards

  • Ohio’s strategic plan for education, Each Child, Our Future, highlights the importance of providing accessible, high-quality instruction to support English learners. In addition, Each Child Means Each Child: Ohio’s Plan to Improve Learning Experiences and Outcomes for Students with Disabilities offers recommendations to guide the inclusion of students with disabilities and their families.

    Ohio English Language Proficiency Standards and the Ohio Learning Standards-Extended for English Language Proficiency describe expectations for the effective instruction of all students who are English learners, including those with the most significant cognitive disabilities. Ohio English Language Proficiency Standards apply to all English learners attending Ohio’s public and nonpublic schools in grades K-12. The Ohio English Language Proficiency Standards are the basis for integrated English language instruction as measured by the current Ohio English Language Proficiency Screener and Ohio English Language Proficiency Assessment.

    English Language Proficient (ELP) Standards (All)

    Ohio Learning Standards-Extended for ELP