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English Learners

The New Albany Plain Local School District is fortunate to have a growing number of ELs (English learners) who come to us from across the United States and all over the world. We currently have over 215 EL students in grades K-12 who represent 30 languages and 25 countries. We are committed to welcoming and helping ELs and their families transition to our schools while valuing the social and cultural knowledge that they bring.  EL students are immersed in our schools in all general classrooms and are supported according to their level of proficiency and academic need. Our dedicated team of EL teachers and educational assistants provide instruction to accelerate growth in reading, writing, listening, speaking, and vocabulary development through a combination of direct instruction, in class support, and / or study centers designed to help ELs acquire English and become successful in their content classes.

Language Assistance

It is the expectation and objective of New Albany Plain Local Schools to cultivate partnerships with families and communities to ensure meaningful engagement and communication with ELL (English Language Learner) students and families.

As policy states, NAPLS will communicate with families in a format and language that is understandable, to the extent practicable related to the education of all students including all services, activities, and programs available in the district.

All services needed to comply with this policy will be provided for students and their families in need of assistance free of charge.

Asistencia con el idioma

Es la expectativa y el objetivo de las escuelas locales de New Albany Plain cultivar asociaciones con las familias y la comunidad para garantizar una participación y comunicación significativa con los estudiantes y las familias de ELL (aprendices del idioma inglés).  

Como establece la política, NAPLS se comunicará con las familias en un formato y lenguaje que sea comprensible, en la medida de lo posible en relación con la educación de todos los estudiantes, incluidos todos los servicios, actividades y programas disponibles en el distrito.

Todos los servicios necesarios para cumplir con esta política serán proporcionados de forma gratuita a los estudiantes y familias que necesiten asistencia.  

Caawitaanka Luuqada

Waa hadafka iyo ujeedada New Albany Plain Local Schools (NAPLS) si loo kobciyo iskaashiga qoysaska iyo bulshada si loo xaqiijiyo ka qaybgalka macnaha leh iyo xidhiidhka ardayda ELL iyo qoysaskooda.

Sida nadaamka u ah, NAPLS waxay la xidhiidhi doontaa qoysaska qaabab iyo luqad la fahmi karo, ilaa xadka la xidhiidha waxbarashada ardayda oo dhan oo ay ku jiraan dhammaan adeegyada, hawlaha, iyo barnaamijyada laga heli karo degmada.

Dhammaan adeegyada loo baahan yahay in loo hoggaansamo nidaamkan, qoyska iyo ardeyda waxaa la siin doona caawitaan iyo gargaar bilaash ah.

言語支援 (英語で学習する上で受けられるサービス)

本校では、ELL(英語学習者)である児童・生徒と そのご家族との間に有意義なコミュニケーションを確

