Parent Login
NAELC Upcoming Events
I would like to...
- Report a Concern
- Report my child's absence
- Find my child's bus number, stop, location and times
- Update or change my address or contact information in PowerSchool
- Contact tech support regarding student issued Ipad
- Find medical forms for my child
- Add money to my child's lunch account
- Know where can I drop off and pick up my student
- Learn about the curriculum at the ELC
- Purchase athletic event tickets
- Pay my child's school fees
- Meet with my child's counselor
- Contact my child's teacher
Report a Concern
Use our Safe School Help Line to submit your concerns anonymously or with contact information 24/7.
Report my child's absence
You can report your student's absence 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.
To report your student absent, do one of the following:
Call the district's attendance office at 614-413-8100
Email the district's attendance office at
Find my child's bus number, stop, location and times
Bus transportation information is available for families to view in the PowerSchool Parent Portal.
Please note, bus route information for the 2024-2025 school year will be available in PowerSchool beginning August 9, 2024.
Update or change my address or contact information in PowerSchool
If your phone number or email address has changed, please email the district registrar at
If you have moved within the school district boundaries, please visit your Parent PowerSchool Account, click on forms and select the Change of Address Request form.
Contact tech support regarding student issued Ipad
Families should first visit the Ipad Support for Parents and Students website that has detailed resources for troubleshooting problems with student-issued technology.
If you still require assistance with a student's technology device or accounts, you can email
Find medical forms for my child
Families can visit our Health Services web page to access the following forms for students. In addition, the site has multiple health resources for families.
Available Forms
School Health History Form
Medical Update Form
Immunization Requirements
Request to Dispense Medication
Food Allergy Action Plan Form
Self Carry-Inhaler Authorization Form
Self Carry - Epinephrine Authorization Form
Seizure Action Plan
Intermediate School
Clinic Phone: 614-741-3007
Brian Weikert, MSN,APRN, NP-BC, LSN
Angela Velto, RN, Clinic Aide
Brian Weikert, MSN,APRN, NP-BC, LSN
Add money to my child's lunch account
Families may deposit money into their student's lunch account at anytime by logging on to their Payschools Central account and following the instructions to add funds.
Please visit the Child Nutrition Services Department for menus as well as information regarding free/reduced applications for meals.
If you are experiencing any difficulty with your account or have questions regarding food service at NAPLS, please contact the Child Nutrition Services Department at
Know where can I drop off and pick up my student
Student Drop Off and Pick Up Procedures
With so many young children moving about in one place, distraction-free driving is a must while on the Early Learning Center campus. Please drive slowly and cautiously at all times while at the ELC due to the unpredictable nature of three, four, five, and six year old children. Please discontinue the use of cell phones and all devices that may distract you from driving on our school campus. Thank you!
- ALL DAY and AM Kindergarten/Preschool Student Drop-Off: 9:10 – 9:20 AM
- AM Kindergarten Pick-Up: 12:30PM
- PM Preschool Drop-Off 1:05 PM
- PM Kindergarten Drop-Off 12:30 PM
ALL DAY and AM Kindergarten/Preschool Student Drop-Off: 9:10 – 9:20 AM
Families dropping off kindergartners and preschoolers should travel north to the end of Swickard Woods Boulevard, turn left into the school parking lot and continue around the exterior lane until you are next to the side of the building. All children should disembark curbside only for safety. Kindergarten children will enter at the northeast entrance (near the front of the building) and preschool children will enter at the northwest entrance (near the rear of the building). Staff members will supervise and welcome the children when they arrive.
(Pull around on the north side of the building adjacent to the large parking lot)
AM Kindergarten Pick-Up: 12:30PM
Families should travel north on Swickard Woods Boulevard and turn right at Aquatic Park Loop entrance. Kindergarten parents should park in the Aquatic Park Loop facing Safety Town. Parents will exit their cars and wait for the children. All kindergarten students are escorted by school staff until they reach their parents' cars.
(Park in front of Safety Town)
PM Preschool Drop-Off 1:05 PM
Families bringing afternoon preschoolers to school should travel north to the end of Swickard Woods Boulevard, turn left into the school parking lot and continue around the exterior lane until you are next to the side of the building. Children will exit the cars and walk down the sidewalk and enter the side door (near the rear of the building).
(Park on the north side of the building in the large parking lot)
PM Kindergarten Drop-Off 12:30 PM
Families bringing afternoon kindergartners to school should travel north to the end of Swickard Woods Boulevard, turn left into the school parking lot and continue around the exterior lane until you are next to the side of the building. Children will exit the cars and walk down the sidewalk and enter the side door (closest to the front of the building). All children should disembark curbside only for safety.
(Pull around on the north side of the building adjacent to the large parking lot)
- AM Preschool Pick-Up 11:40 - 11:50 AM
- AM Kindergarten Pick-Up: 12:30PM
- ALL-DAY Preschool Pick-Up: 3:25 - 3:35 PM
- PM Preschool: 3:40 - 3:50 PM
- ALL DAY/PM Kindergarten 3:40-3:50 PM
AM Preschool Pick-Up 11:40 - 11:50 AM
Families picking up morning preschoolers should travel north to the end of Swickard Woods Boulevard, turn left into the school parking lot and park. You will need to pick up your child at the preschool entrance (near the rear of the building). Please use the crosswalk near the preschool entrance.
(Park on the north side of the building in the large parking lot)
AM Kindergarten Pick-Up: 12:30PM
Families should travel north on Swickard Woods Boulevard and turn right at Aquatic Park Loop entrance. Kindergarten parents should park in the Aquatic Park Loop facing Safety Town. Parents will exit their cars and wait for the children. All kindergarten students are escorted by school staff until they reach their parents' cars.
(Park in front of Safety Town)
ALL-DAY Preschool Pick-Up: 3:25 - 3:35 PM
All-Day Preschool Dismisses at 3:25 (3:25-3:35). If the ADPS student has an all-day kindergarten and/or primary sibling, the K student will be dismissed at 3:25 pm with the all-day preschool program and then the family will go to the primary school to pick up siblings.
Families in the following classes (Fulmer, Kromalic and Ecleberry) picking up afternoon preschoolers should travel north to the end of Swickard Woods Boulevard, turn left into the school parking lot and park. You will need to pick up your child at the preschool entrance (near the rear of the building). Please use the crosswalk near the preschool entrance.
(Park on the north side of the building in the large parking lot)
Families in the following classes (Swank, Smith and Ross) picking up afternoon preschoolers should travel north to the end of Swickard Woods Boulevard, turn left into the school parking lot and park. You will need to pick up your child at the kindergarten entrance (near the front of the building). Please use the crosswalk near the kindergarten entrance.
(Park on the north side of the building in the large parking lot)
Families in the following classes (Glanzman and Conley) should travel north on Swickard Woods Boulevard and turn right at the Aquatic Park Loop entrance. Preschool parents should park in the Aquatic Park Loop facing Safety Town. Parents will exit their cars and wait for the children. All Preschool students are escorted by school staff until they reach their parents' cars.
(Park in front of Safety Town)
Please Note: If you also have an all-day kindergarten student, they will be released with the all-day preschool student at 3:25 pm. If you have a primary student that you will also pick up in the afternoon, please come to the ELC first and then proceed to the primary for pick up.
PM Preschool: 3:40 - 3:50 PM
Half-Day Preschool PM dismissal time is 3:40-3:50 pm. Buses and Daycare Vans will use the front loop.
Families picking up afternoon preschoolers should travel north to the end of Swickard Woods Boulevard, turn left into the school parking lot and park. You will need to pick up your child at the preschool entrance (near the rear of the building). Please use the crosswalk near the preschool entrance.
(Park on the north side of the building in the large parking lot)
ALL DAY/PM Kindergarten 3:40-3:50 PM
All-Day Kindergarten and Kindergarten PM dismissal time is 3:40-3:50 pm. Buses and Daycare Vans will use the front loop.
Families should travel north on Swickard Woods Boulevard and turn right at the Aquatic Park Loop entrance. Kindergarten parents should park in the Aquatic Park Loop facing Safety Town. Parents will exit their cars and wait for the children. All kindergarten students are escorted by school staff until they reach their parents' cars.
(Park in front of Safety Town)
We ask that parents not arrive prior to 3:35 pm to allow for PreK families to exit parking spaces.
We ask that If parents don't normally pick-up their child from the ELC but need to do so, to please call the school office at 614-413-8700 prior to 3:00 pm to tell Heidi so she can notify you about any change in routine.
Learn about the curriculum at the ELC
Ohio provides learning standards for elementary students to explain the knowledge and skills Ohio students are expected to have.
Please find specific information about the curriculum at the ELC by visiting this page.
In New Albany’s elementary schools, our classroom teachers address the state’s learning standards for English Language Arts, Mathematics, Science, and Social Studies.
Our team of specialists address standards in Art, Music, Physical Education, and Technology. Instrumental music becomes a course option in sixth grade.
Our classroom teachers, in partnership with volunteers from organizations such as Junior Achievement, address the Financial Literacy standards.
The Ohio standards for Drama, Dance, and World Languages are not part of our core elementary curriculum, but may be addressed as part of special enrichment programming. These standards and much more are included on our Elementary Curriculum page.
Purchase athletic event tickets
Tickets for all athletic events can be found on our Athletics webpage when posted by visiting and clicking on "Tickets" in upper right tool bar.
This site also includes all athletic information for the high school and middle school including team rosters, schedules and more.
Pay my child's school fees
School Fees
ELC Fees for the 2024-2025 School Year will be posted to your PaySchools Central account in early September.
If you have any outstanding fees from prior school years, please submit payment as soon as possible.
School Fees can be paid with a credit card through your PaySchools Central account or by check made payable to New Albany Primary School.
Payment may be mailed to:
New Albany Early Learning Center
Attn: Heidi Harper
5101 Swickard Woods Blvd.
New Albany, Ohio 43054
If your family is currently suffering with financial hardship, please contact our office at 614-413-8700 for further guidance regarding the documentation that may be required to assist you.
If you have questions regarding any outstanding fees, please contact Heidi Harper, ELC Secretary at 614-413-8700.
Meet with my child's counselor
Parents should call or email the Guidance Office for a meeting if they have any academic, social or personal concerns for their child.
The Guidance Office can help to arrange parent-teacher conferences, small group or individual counseling. School Counselors can also make referrals through the Concord Counseling or outside counseling referrals.
Click here to contact our Well-Being Professionals at the ELC.
Contact my child's teacher
Please visit the staff directory for teacher email addresses.