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Community Announcement

Issue 40 School Bond Issue for November 5 General Election Ballot

Dear New Albany Learning Community:

At our special Board of Education meeting on July 24, 2024, which may be viewed here in its entirety, we approved a Resolution to Proceed to place a $135 million dollar bond issue on the November 5, 2024 ballot to seek taxpayer support to implement prioritized projects in our Campus Master Plan.

As shared previously, our Campus Master Plan culminates over two years of research, study, analysis and planning to address existing capacity needs in our school district today while also preparing for forecasted enrollment growth.  An archive summarizing this work and our communications to date may be found here.  

Much like the thoughtful and strategic planning for the creation of our learning campus over thirty years ago, this fiscally responsible and prioritized plan will permit us to continue to meet the academic and developmental needs of all students.

How Will We Use The Funds?

The November 5, 2024 bond request would fund projects in two phases.

Between 2025 and 2028:

  • A NEW elementary school to serve approximately 1,200 students enrolled in all-day kindergarten and grades 1 and 2 will allow us to address growing capacity needs by restructuring other elementary grade-levels.

  • A renovated existing high school building to create a high school hub for technology for enhanced learning spaces and additional classroom space for future student growth.

  • A renovated existing middle school stadium to benefit interscholastic sports for grades 7-12 (football, soccer, lacrosse, field hockey, track, etc.).

  • A larger Transportation Facility to house our school bus operations.

  • Bus lane expansion at the Early Learning Center.

Between 2028 and 2031:  

  • A second renovated existing high school building will create a high school hub for updated science labs to accommodate increased science course offerings, enhanced lab learning space, and future student growth.

  • Construction of a fine arts hub (art, choir, band, orchestra and theater) for students in grades 6-12 will accommodate current student course enrollment and future student growth.

  • An expansion of middle/high school cafeteria and multipurpose common area will accommodate daily student usage and future enrollment.

What will appear on the November 5, 2024 ballot?

The November 5, 2024 ballot will include language to approve 4.46 mills.  However, our two phase project approach will allow for the restructuring of the District’s current bond debt with scheduled tax roll-offs, including 1.95 mills of special assessment for Community Design Charge enacted via the New Albany Community Authority that will expire for tax collection December 31, 2024, to benefit our taxpayers.

With financial and land donation commitments by our partners at the City of New Albany and the New Albany Company (NACO), we are able to present a reduced bond issue on November 5, 2024 that asks the majority of our taxpayers to keep paying 1.45 mills of the expiring 1.95 mills special assessment for community design charge enacted via the expiring Community Authority.  

Residential and business properties in the New Albany Community Authority district may be found here.

The Community Authority, enacted in 1996, assessed a $38.1 million dollar community development charge for all properties originally owned by NACO to provide funding for specific projects in our community.  Eighty-one percent (81%) of the expiring special assessment for community design charge paid to build the middle/high school campus ($28 million dollars) and Fodor Road for access to our learning campus ($2.7 million dollars), while an additional sixteen percent (16%) of the Community Authority funding paid for other public road, water, and sewer infrastructure ($6.1 million dollars) and the remaining three percent (3%) funded the purchase of a ladder truck and partially funded the construction of the Plain Township Fire Station ($1.2 million dollars).  

Any parcels not included within the New Albany Community Authority district (taxpayers residing in our school district boundaries that have NOT been paying the special assessment charge via the New Albany Community Authority district) will experience a 1.45 mill tax increase of $50.75 per $100,000 of home valuation.

What’s Next?

Now that the Board and administration have prioritized and confirmed the projects that will be implemented if the school district bond issue is successful on November 5, 2024, we will formalize engagement processes for the land donations and monetary contributions from our partners, begin the design phase of projects and implement the levy campaign process. 

We will continue to engage in discussions with our entire community regarding the implementation of our Campus Master Plan, a plan that outlines solutions for the needs of our students, families and school district, for today and tomorrow.

We welcome your continued input, feedback and active participation.  We will continue to provide updates and information.  Until then, please do not hesitate to contact any of us with any questions.