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Step 4: Completion of Enrollment


For Current School Year Students
Once you complete and submit steps 1-4 of the online registration process, you will receive an email from the District Registrar that your application is completed. You can contact Mona Will at 614-413-7134 or if you have any general questions.

In order to allow for enrollment processing time and building and transportation notifications, a two (2) business day turnaround following your enrollment completion is required before a student will start school.

For Students Enrolling in the Next School Year
After your enrollment is complete, staff from your child's school will contact you through email prior to the first day of school.

NEW All-Day Kindergarten students for the 24-25 school year.  You will receive an email from the district registrar stating that your enrollment is completed and receive instructions on how to complete the tuition deposit/agreements for the All Day Kindergarten program.

ALL-DAY KINDERGARTEN Please contact ELC Secretary, Heidi Harper, at for information about the All Day Kindergarten program.