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Step 3: Completing Enrollment Forms/Uploading Documents

Once Parents/Guardians have created their PowerSchool accounts, they will need to login to PowerSchool to complete the required enrollment forms and upload the required documents.


log in to PowerSchool Account

Please note that you can only complete the enrollment forms using a laptop or computer (you cannot use your smartphone), if you do not have access to a laptop/computer, please contact the district registrar at to make other arrangements.

Step A:  Click on "Forms" in PowerSchool the navigation panel on the left side of your screen to access the required forms. 
PS Nav Forms


Step B: 

Click on a form and fill in the required fields. You must click on the "Submit" button at the bottom of the form to save your information. Required fields are marked with an asterisk (*). You are required to provide documentation of the student's birth with proof of age. Select any documentation you have at your disposal from the drop list and upload it. (Click on blue upload button)


Step C: 

After completing and submitting the first form, navigate to the next form until all 10 forms have been submitted. You can move to the next form either by clicking on the tabs across the top, or by using the arrow on the Submit button.  You will be required to upload documents on some forms. Please click the upload button and submit the required documentation.

After clicking "submit", the district registrar will be notified to review your application.

If you are having difficulty uploading documents, please email your documents to


ps enroll 2

Complete all the required forms listed in your account.