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District Values

Our Culture of Accountability has been built on the foundation that we are each responsible for our behavior, that we “own” our responses to challenges and circumstances, that we are stronger when we work together, and that we will strive to be better every day.

NAPLS is Committed to Fostering an Environment of Kindness, Dignity & Respect.

In order to assure clarity of understanding, we have defined each of the words as follows:

Committed: Dedicated to policies and actions that reinforce these values.

Fostering: Encouraging and promoting the development and ownership of behaviors consistent with these values.

Environment: Wherever we interact with each other. 

Kindness: Acting in ways that honor individual uniqueness and trust in the goodwill and good intentions of one another.

Dignity: Accepting and supporting the self-worth of others.

Respect: Consider the feelings, viewpoints, rights, or traditions of others.