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Board of Education

Board of Education (L-R): Member, Jennifer Fuller; Vice-President, John McClelland; President, Debra Kalinosky; Member, Mark Wilson; and Member Paul Naumoff.  

Welcome to the Board of Education page of the New Albany-Plain Local Schools’ website.

We encourage all of those living and/or working in our Learning Community to take an interest in the work of the Board of Education.

We invite you to join us at our meetings or to call or email us with any ideas, questions, or concerns. 

Agendas & minutes

Meeting agendas will normally be published at least 24-hours in advance of the meeting on the District website. Minutes of each Board of Education meeting are available via the school district website.


Regular Meetings

Regular Meetings are generally held on the second and fourth Monday of each month. at the New Albany - Plain Local Schools Annex Building, 79 N. High St. New Albany, OH 43054 beginning at 6 p.m., unless otherwise noted on the district calendar. These meetings are convened to conduct the business of the Board of Education in public in accordance with Ohio Revised Code.

Special Meetings

Special meetings may be convened by the Board of Education to conduct school business as necessary to meet District needs.  A special meeting requires greater than 24 hour public notice of the intent to meet.

Emergency Meetings

An emergency meeting may be convened by the Board of Education to conduct school business as necessary to meet District needs.  An emergency meeting may be called with less than 24 hours public notice of the intent to meet.

Ohio's Open Meeting's Law

Ohio law mandates that school board meetings be open to the public with an exception of executive sessions. In an executive session, Ohio law permits the Board to discuss, but not vote, on personnel matters, property purchases, possible legal action, employee negotiations, security arrangements, and items the law says must be kept confidential. A calendar of all Board of Education meetings is posted at this link.

Legal Responsibilities

The Board of Education is legally responsible to:

  • Develop policies and regulations necessary for the governance of the school district, its employees, students, and all persons entering school grounds or premises
  • Ensure students are provided with high quality educational opportunities
  • Appoint a superintendent of schools and invest such powers in him/her as may be legally delegated
  • Appoint a treasurer
  • Act on personnel and policies recommended by the superintendent
  • See that the annual budget is prepared and acted on
  • Pass an annual appropriations measure
  • Adopt a master calendar annually
  • Enter into contracts with all personnel in the manner required by Ohio laws
  • Levy taxes with a vote of the people to maintain schools

Mission of the Board of Education

The Board is responsible for policy leadership and directing educational issues such as:

  • Curriculum and instruction – approving curriculum
  • Planning – developing and implementing the Strategic Plan
  • Communication – obtaining community input and explaining Board policy and decisions
  • Accountability and standards – reviewing and assuring that high standards are met
  • Policy and Administration

In addition, the Board:

  • Reviews policies affecting the administration of the district
  • Directs the Superintendent and staff, who carry out Board of Education policy
  • Encourages and takes into consideration public input (public participation)