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Elementary Curriculum

Ohio's Elementary School Learning Standards

Ohio provides learning standards for elementary students to explain the knowledge and skills Ohio students are expected to have.  

In New Albany’s elementary schools, our classroom teachers address the state’s learning standards for English Language Arts, Mathematics, Science, and Social Studies.  

Our team of specialists address standards in Art, Music, Physical Education, and Technology.  Instrumental music becomes a course option in sixth grade.  For more information about sixth grade music classes, click here.

Our classroom teachers, in partnership with volunteers from organizations such as Junior Achievement, address the Financial Literacy standards.  

New Albany's Early Learning Targets/I Can Statements

To help clarify the expectations of Ohio’s Learning Standards for New Albany’s elementary students, New Albany elementary teachers created Learning Targets for each standard.  These Learning Targets are also referred to as “I Can Statements”, since they are written in a manner to help students explain what they can do after a lesson.  To review the elementary school Learning Targets for English Language Arts, Math, Science, and Social Studies, click on the grade listed below.

In addition to the Ohio standards listed above, our elementary Wellness (physical education) teachers have addressed the requirements of Ohio House Bill 367 since 2018 using resources from the HOPE Curriculum.  To learn more about HB367, click here.  For more information about the HOPE Curriculum, click here.

In fifth grade, our students participate in lessons as part of the D.A.R.E. program taught by our School Resource Officers in partnership with the New Albany Police Department.

For Health Education, the students in fifth grade receive a lesson about puberty during Wellness class and sixth grade students receive a lesson about human reproduction during Science class.  Parents are informed prior to the lessons and instructional materials are shared with parents to help make the decision about their child’s participation.

Ohio has created standards for Social and Emotional Learning for elementary students which can be reviewed by clicking here.  These standards are addressed by the Elementary School Counselors as part of their visits to elementary classrooms. Ohio provides resources from the Sources of Strength program for classroom lessons in the upper elementary grades. Content at the Early Learning Center and Primary School comes from selected lessons that are part of the Changemakers program.

Ohio has created preschool standards.  Parents of children enrolled in the New Albany Early Learning Center preschool program can review those standards by clicking here. Additional information can be found on the ELC Curriculum Information page. 

The Elementary School Counselors teach lessons to meet the requirements of Erin’s Law as part of Ohio Senate Bill 288 passed in 2023.  All lesson content about child sexual abuse prevention is shared with parents ahead of time with an option to excuse their student from the lesson.  Specific to sixth grade students, the school counselors teach lessons as part of Ohio House Bill 123 passed in 2021 (the SAVE Students Act).  Sixth grade lesson content specific to suicide prevention, violence prevention, and social inclusion is shared with parents ahead of time with an option to excuse their student from the lessons.

For more information about what your child will be learning, please consider attending our annual elementary Curriculum Night where your child’s teacher will share in more depth about the materials, pacing, and expectations for the grade level.  The details about Curriculum Night are shared in the school newsletters in August.

Visit the Elementary Curriculum Maps page for detailed information concerning each subject area. In addition to contacting your child’s teacher, your student’s school principal and Director of Elementary Education Scott Emery are available to answer any questions about our academic program.